How to care for silk

Although it does require a little more TLC, silk is a beautiful fabric with numerous benefits. It’s:

  • hypoallergenic
  • highly absorbent
  • temperature regulating
  • strong, yet soft
  • gentle on your skin

Caring for silk

Silk should be kept out of strong sunlight for great lengths of time, which can cause streaks or fade the material. If silk becomes dirty, it’s best to hand-wash with a gentle detergent before being hung out to dry. It is important never to let silk soak, boil, bleach, or lie crumpled in a pile.

You should never let silk become too dirty before washing it, because rubbing the fabric with excessive force can cause its strands to suffer significant damage. If silk does end up stained, the solution is to either rub it with a light brush or sponge or send it to the dry cleaners, making sure to inform them of the exact cause of the stain.

Also, not all silks are the same. Try speaking to sales associates in stores where you purchase your silk, which should help provide you with more of an idea on how to care for the particular kind of silk you are buying.

When you get home, carefully read the cleaning instructions on the tag before assuming a piece of silk can be thrown in to a washer to be cleaned. If you want to test that your silk material is washable, you can wet a small piece of the fabric in cool water, lay it on a sheet of white material, and then press it with a warm iron to see if its colors run. If the colors run, do not wash the silk under any circumstance. Instead, take it to a dry cleaner to be properly cared for.

We have washers and dryers to fit your needs

Although it is recommended to wash silk by hand, we supply washers and dryers to accommodate all of your other clothing needs. Contact Appliance Warehouse of America at 800.693.4343 where we make appliance leasing easy. 

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